Today we have a phenomenal new release from A. M. Hargrove with her FREEING HIM, a sexy new romance. Below, you'll find all the book info, and exclusive excerpt, as well as an awesome giveaway!! Check it out!!
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One Last Page Book BLog

Exclusive Excerpt: Kolson
“Mommy! Mommy! I’m scared. Where are you?” Dark. It’s so dark. I can’t see anything and my throat hurts so bad. I want my mommy. But she won’t answer me. Why won’t she come? She always comes when I call her at night. But she doesn’t come this time. And I keep calling her. My Spiderman pajamas are wet and I want my blankie because I’m cold. My teeth make a clicking noise because they keep chattering and they won’t stop. I have to pee again and I don’t know where the potty is. I’ve already wet myself once and I don’t want to do it again. Mommy will be mad at me and I don’t want to ruin my Spiderman pajamas. Maybe if I roll up in a ball I’ll be warmer. After a while it doesn’t help much, so I call for Mommy some more. But she still doesn’t come. There’s a noise somewhere and I lift my head. I think I was sleeping. “Mommy, is that you? Mommy!” I sit up and it’s still so dark out. I want to see my Spiderman pajamas so I hold my arm in front of my face but it’s too dark to see anything. I scream. And scream so long my throat hurts. And I cry. “Mommy! I want my mommy!” I curl up, knees to chest, and rock back and forth, crying for Mommy. But she never comes. Something scrapes in front of me. Is it a monster? I think there’s a monster in here and I scream. “Shut up. Stop that screaming or I’ll leave.” I can’t stop screaming. I try but they keep coming out of me, even though I don’t want them to. Something covers my mouth, and a mean man tells me if I don’t shut up, I’ll have to stay in the dark forever. His voice scares me more than the dark. More than not having my mommy. My body shakes and suddenly my voice is gone. I can’t talk. “That’s better. Now listen. This is your new home and the sooner you learn some manners, the better it will be. Behave, and your life will be easy. Obey me, and you’ll be given treats. Disobey, and you’ll be left here alone. Do you understand me?” The mean man says things to me but I don’t know what they mean. I only sit and try to see him. But I only see the dark. “Good. Now eat this.” Something is pushed into my mouth. I can’t eat it because my throat hurts so bad. I start to choke. Then I vomit. The mean man yells and he wipes my face. It’s so dark, I can’t see him. “Drink.” He shoves a straw in my mouth and I drink. When I do, it burns my throat and I cry. “More.” I drink more but it hurts. My face is wet from crying. “Good.” Then I hear the scraping sound and it’s quiet again. And I curl up and cry. I want my mommy. I want her to sing to me and rub my back like she does when my head hurts. I want her to kiss me and tell me a story. I want to tell her I didn’t mean it when I did those bad things and didn’t listen to her. Maybe that’s why she’s not here now. I’m sorry, Mommy. I didn’t mean it. I’ll be good. Come back, Mommy. It’s often said that an addict has to hit rock bottom before they can begin their journey to recovery. My story is much different. Surprisingly enough, I’m not an addict and never have been. But I’ve been at the bottom. More than once. I hit it the first time when I was only seven years old. Not only was it the bottom. It was hell. It’s when I learned to lick the fiery flames of the devil himself. Only my devil was a dragon. Also known as my father. What I didn’t realize was that time was only a dip in the barrel compared to what would happen to me later. The first time I thought he broke me but I didn’t know how wrong I was. It wasn’t until later that I realized what kind of destruction he could spawn. And that time I didn’t only break, he took me apart piece by piece, until there was nothing left to crush. William Shakespeare wrote, “If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?” Well, for years I was wronged. And now I plan to seek revenge. Carefully, slowly, and methodically. And when the time is right, I will strike with everything I have.
Freeing Him Synopsis:

My 4.5 Star Review
“I need you kea. I always need
you. You ground me. Make everything right again.”
Kolson has finally found his happiness with Gabriella. He
made sure she was safe from her cousin Danny. Unfortunately he had to turn to
the one man he has been avoiding for years, not just a man, the monster, his
father also known as The Dragon. Langston Hart is heartless, cruel and thrives
on power. He will step on anyone and do everything he can to get what he wants,
his cruelty and abuse know no bounds.
The dragon… the way he eyed her
tonight. He knows she’s my weakness and he’s going to make my debt somehow involve
her. I’m not sure how, but he will. And I’ll have to leave her in order to save
Gabriella knows that Kolson and his brothers grew up in an
abusive environment. She just didn’t know the extent of abuse. She will do
everything she can to FREE Kolson from his nightmares of his past but in order
to help him, he needs to open up and let her in.
Her hands fists my shirt and she pleads, “Why can’t you tell me?”
“Because it could destroy you. I can’t take that risk. Ever. Can you
please drop it? When the time is right, I will tell you. But not now. Not
Things are going well until Langston calls Kolson to collect
his debt. Kolson would rather die than see the man he loathes touch anything to
do with his company. Kolson does what he thinks will save his company and keep
Gabriella safe from his father, he disappears without a trace.
“A deep clenching pain rips
through my gut, and then I know it’s not true what they say about your heart
breaking. It doesn’t even come close. Your heart doesn’t break. A gash splits
your gut wide open and then it expands to your sternum until your heart
explodes out of your chest. The fucking thing isn’t broken. It’s goddamn
Gabriella does everything in her power to find Kolson, and
when his father starts threatening her, she calls in reinforcements. She
refuses to let the demon of a man bring any more harm to those she loves; but
some demons whether from your past or the present will take a small army to
take down. Once again, Gabriella is faced with death but in the end, she knows
and does what needs to be done to finally free the man she loves.
“You make my heart pound; you
make it beat with a kind of life that it never had before. You’ve changed the
way I think about everything… my past, my present and my future. I once told
you that you short-circuited me, rearranged me inside and made me whole again.
And I was right. But you do so much more than that. You freed me from the
ghosts that haunted me, the monster that tried to destroy me, and you’ve strengthened
me. And I love you for that.
This book was FANTASTIC. Seriously, A.M Hargrove created the
monster of all monsters. They come in all different shapes and sizes but man,
Langston Hart was a sick man. The abuse those kids endured when they were
little. Speaking of abuse, this also comes in so many different forms from
sexual, mental and physical. A.M wrote the abuse with the upmost respect. As
disturbing as some of it was, it was detailed with care.
Both characters had demons that they faced. Of course there
were plenty of bumps along the way but they came out on top.
I LOVED this story. It was so powerful and angsty and sexy.
This is a MUST read!
Enter A.M.'s giveaway!!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I have not read any books in this series yet but they are on my TBR list!!